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By Halloween Undead
I've never actually written fan fiction because it doesn't serve any purpose for me, but I had an idea years ago that I thought would make a good comic book or something.

Back when some people were fanatical about December 21, 2012 because the Mayan calendar "allegedly" predicted the end of the world (which was an urban legend in itself), the season was ripe for ghoulish activity.

I surmised that a doomsday cult was participating in a diabolical ritual in a cave near Coban, Guatemala, which was believed in the 16th century to be the entrance to the Mayan underworld, Xibalba (roughly translated as Place of Fear, where the Mayan death gods and their hellish minions reign supreme).
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Naturally, it was the doomsday cult's intention to summon these demonic entities into our realm on December 21 to usher in the destruction of the world. The Mayan calendar, which is a stone disc with tribal engravings on it, served as a supernatural relic that emanated remarkable PKE valances. I didn't spend much time figuring out what sort of purpose this relic served in the story, but it seemed like a nice touch.
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I see Kylie Griffin playing a significant role in this story. Maybe she received a vision from the deceased John Tobin of the events unfolding in Central America. Or maybe it's an exchange student she met at university and they remained in contact, and this central American student becomes privy to the activities of the doomsday cult and relays the information to Kylie whom then informs the Ghostbusters. Clearly, I'm more of a "big picture" visionary than a detailed storyteller. Nonetheless, the Ghostbusters inevitably venture to the gates of Xibalba in this mysterious cave in Guatemala and put a stop to the prophesied destruction of the world, in a spectacle of proton streams, unbeknownst to the media or any cheering crowds. As far as the world knows, December 21, 2012 was just another uneventful day in history.

The End
By Halloween Undead
For shitz n giggles, maybe this Latino exchange student who relays the information to Kylie about the doomsday cult is named Eduardo Rivera. I insist that is the extent of his involvement in the story though. I was never a big fan of his character. :eduardo:

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